Monday, March 31, 2008

With Satellite TV Cable Network Channels Reached More Homes

One of the major advantages of satellite TV, cable network programming is also available for viewers. Before DirecTV services became available in 1994 and Dish Network went live in 1996, to disconnect home televisions from the rooftop antenna, people relied on cable television services. Until the availability of service from satellite TV cable network channels popped up, making their programming available to other parts of the country. Until satellite, most cable network channels were only available to limited audiences.

As the use of cable expanded, many of the cable networks started making deals to allow these companies to spread their message, improving their viewership numbers as well as their advertising revenue. When Hughes Electronics launched DirecTV, and EchoStar launched Dish Network and began the age of satellite TV cable network channels began being offered to many more people, who did not have the availability of cable television.

Cable companies were reluctant to run their cables into areas that did not have enough homes to make it pay. Roadways on which only a few homes were located, would not produce enough revenue from subscriptions to make it financially feasible to install the cable. With satellite TV, cable network channels could now reach those in remote areas as well as those in areas not considered profitable by the cable operators.

Networks Offer Virtual Buffet Of Programming Choices

While many of the programs carried on cable networks are similar to those offered on other networks, through the use of satellite TV cable network programming can meet the tastes of a majority of subscribers. National sports and news networks, originally developed for cable distribution are now available to satellite subscribers who are flocking to the air to find their entertainment values.

Movie channels and dedicated sports networks now take up positions on the satellite program guides. Through the use of satellite TV cable network companies can offer their programming to a much wider audience and, as a result of larger audiences, can improve their bottom line through higher advertising rates. However, some local advertisers are not impressed if they have to pat extra for their products or services to be advertised on the other side of the country.

With the continued growth of satellite TV cable network providers are finding new audiences and as some of them begin to offer their own in-house programming options, their growth can be traced to the beginning of service by satellite companies.

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